외로운 Nova의 작업실

HTML 인코딩 본문


HTML 인코딩

Nova_ 2023. 2. 15. 19:13

- HTML 인코딩

HTML의 속성과 태그부분에 사용할 수 있는 인코딩이 있습니다. 바로 아래와 같습니다.

Symbol ASCII
Comments Character
^@ 0 0 � � - null character control  
^A 1 1   - start of header control  
^B 2 2   - start of text control  
^C 3 3   - end of text control  
^D 4 4   - end of transmission control  
^E 5 5   - enquiry control  
^F 6 6   - acknowledge control  
^G 7 7   - bell (ring) control  
^H 8 8   - backspace control  
^I 9 9 	 	 	 character tabulation / horizontal tabulation control  
^J 10 A 
 line feed (lf) control  
^K 11 B   - vertical tab control  
^L 12 C   - form feed control  
^M 13 D 
 - carriage return control  
^N 14 E   - shift out control  
^O 15 F   - shift in control  
^P 16 10   - data link escape control  
^Q 17 11   - device control 1 control  
^R 18 12   - device control 2 control  
^S 19 13   - device control 3 control  
^T 20 14   - device control 4 control  
^U 21 15   - negative acknowledge control  
^V 22 16   - synchronize control  
^W 23 17   - end transmission block control  
^X 24 18   - cancel control  
^Y 25 19   - end of medium control  
^Z 26 1A   - substitute control  
^[ 27 1B   - escape control  
^\ 28 1C   - file separator control  
^] 29 1D   - group separator control  
^^ 30 1E   - record separator control  
^_ 31 1F   - unit separator control  
  32 20     - space printable  
! 33 21 ! ! - exclamation point printable  
" 34 22 " " " quotation mark printable  
" 34 22 " " " quotation mark printable  
# 35 23 # # - number sign printable  
$ 36 24 $ $ - dollar sign printable  
% 37 25 % % - percent sign printable  
& 38 26 & & & ampersand printable  
& 38 26 & & & ampersand printable  
' 39 27 ' ' - single quote printable  
( 40 28 ( ( - opening parenthesis printable  
) 41 29 ) ) - closing parenthesis printable  
* 42 2A * * * asterisk printable  
* 42 2A * * * asterisk printable  
+ 43 2B + + - plus sign printable  
, 44 2C , , - comma printable  
- 45 2D - - - minus sign - hyphen printable  
. 46 2E . . - period printable  
/ 47 2F / / - slash printable  
0 48 30 0 0 - zero printable  
1 49 31 1 1 - one printable  
2 50 32 2 2 - two printable  
3 51 33 3 3 - three printable  
4 52 34 4 4 - four printable  
5 53 35 5 5 - five printable  
6 54 36 6 6 - six printable  
7 55 37 7 7 - seven printable  
8 56 38 8 8 - eight printable  
9 57 39 9 9 - nine printable  
: 58 3A : : - colon printable  
; 59 3B &#59; &#x3B; - semicolon printable  
< 60 3C &#60; &#x3C; &lt; less-than sign printable  
< 60 3C &#60; &#x3C; &LT; less-than sign printable  
= 61 3D &#61; &#x3D; - equal sign printable  
> 62 3E &#62; &#x3E; &gt; greater-than sign printable  
> 62 3E &#62; &#x3E; &GT; greater-than sign printable  
? 63 3F &#63; &#x3F; - question mark printable  
@ 64 40 &#64; &#x40; - at symbol printable  
A 65 41 &#65; &#x41; - upper case A printable  
B 66 42 &#66; &#x42; - upper case B printable  
C 67 43 &#67; &#x43; - upper case C printable  
D 68 44 &#68; &#x44; - upper case D printable  
E 69 45 &#69; &#x45; - upper case E printable  
F 70 46 &#70; &#x46; - upper case F printable  
G 71 47 &#71; &#x47; - upper case G printable  
H 72 48 &#72; &#x48; - upper case H printable  
I 73 49 &#73; &#x49; - upper case I printable  
J 74 4A &#74; &#x4A; - upper case J printable  
K 75 4B &#75; &#x4B; - upper case K printable  
L 76 4C &#76; &#x4C; - upper case L printable  
M 77 4D &#77; &#x4D; - upper case M printable  
N 78 4E &#78; &#x4E; - upper case N printable  
O 79 4F &#79; &#x4F; - upper case O printable  
P 80 50 &#80; &#x50; - upper case P printable  
Q 81 51 &#81; &#x51; - upper case Q printable  
R 82 52 &#82; &#x52; - upper case R printable  
S 83 53 &#83; &#x53; - upper case S printable  
T 84 54 &#84; &#x54; - upper case T printable  
U 85 55 &#85; &#x55; - upper case U printable  
V 86 56 &#86; &#x56; - upper case V printable  
W 87 57 &#87; &#x57; - upper case W printable  
X 88 58 &#88; &#x58; - upper case X printable  
Y 89 59 &#89; &#x59; - upper case Y printable  
Z 90 5A &#90; &#x5A; - upper case Z printable  
[ 91 5B &#91; &#x5B; &lsqb; left square bracket printable  
[ 91 5B &#91; &#x5B; &lbrack; left square bracket printable  
\ 92 5C &#92; &#x5C; - backslash printable  
] 93 5D &#93; &#x5D; &rsqb; right square bracket printable  
] 93 5D &#93; &#x5D; &rbrack; right square bracket printable  
^ 94 5E &#94; &#x5E; - caret - circumflex printable  
_ 95 5F &#95; &#x5F; - underscore printable  
` 96 60 &#96; &#x60; &grave; grave accent printable  
` 96 60 &#96; &#x60; &DiacriticalGrave; grave accent printable  
a 97 61 &#97; &#x61; - lower case a printable  
b 98 62 &#98; &#x62; - lower case b printable  
c 99 63 &#99; &#x63; - lower case c printable  
d 100 64 &#100; &#x64; - lower case d printable  
e 101 65 &#101; &#x65; - lower case e printable  
f 102 66 &#102; &#x66; - lower case f printable  
g 103 67 &#103; &#x67; - lower case g printable  
h 104 68 &#104; &#x68; - lower case h printable  
i 105 69 &#105; &#x69; - lower case i printable  
j 106 6A &#106; &#x6A; - lower case j printable  
k 107 6B &#107; &#x6B; - lower case k printable  
l 108 6C &#108; &#x6C; - lower case l printable  
m 109 6D &#109; &#x6D; - lower case m printable  
n 110 6E &#110; &#x6E; - lower case n printable  
o 111 6F &#111; &#x6F; - lower case o printable  
p 112 70 &#112; &#x70; - lower case p printable  
q 113 71 &#113; &#x71; - lower case q printable  
r 114 72 &#114; &#x72; - lower case r printable  
s 115 73 &#115; &#x73; - lower case s printable  
t 116 74 &#116; &#x74; - lower case t printable  
u 117 75 &#117; &#x75; - lower case u printable  
v 118 76 &#118; &#x76; - lower case v printable  
w 119 77 &#119; &#x77; - lower case w printable  
x 120 78 &#120; &#x78; - lower case x printable  
y 121 79 &#121; &#x79; - lower case y printable  
z 122 7A &#122; &#x7A; - lower case z printable  
{ 123 7B &#123; &#x7B; &lcub; left curly bracket printable  
{ 123 7B &#123; &#x7B; &lbrace; left curly bracket printable  
| 124 7C &#124; &#x7C; &verbar; vertical line printable  
| 124 7C &#124; &#x7C; &vert; vertical line printable  
| 124 7C &#124; &#x7C; &VerticalLine; vertical line printable  
} 125 7D &#125; &#x7D; &rcub; right curly bracket printable  
} 125 7D &#125; &#x7D; &rbrace; right curly bracket printable  
~ 126 7E &#126; &#x7E; -

아래는 예시입니다.

<img onerror=alert("1")>

//위 코드를 아래와 같이 변경할 수 있습니다.

<&#x69;mg one&#x65;rror=alert("1")>


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