외로운 Nova의 작업실

Report - HTB cronos Report 본문

Server Penetesting/Report

Report - HTB cronos Report

Nova_ 2023. 4. 26. 08:38

1. port scan result

address port 22,80,53

2. initial access - sql injection

Vulnerability Explanation : admin.cronos.htb web page do not verify input value. so i could inject the sql query, i access admin page. and also, admin.cronos.htb/welcome.php page do not verify input value. i could inject the command query. so, i geted reverse_shell

Vulnerability Fix : always verify user's input

Severity : critical

Steps to reproduce the attack : 

screenshot :; wget

post-exploitation : 

3. privilege escalation

Vulnerability Explanation : there is misconfigure in crontab. this server execute /var/www/laravel/artisan in every minute as root. i changed "artisan" file's content into reverse_shell.php. i geted reverse_shell

Vulnerability Fix : use the Least Privilege

Severity : critical, 

Steps to reproduce the attack : 

screenshot :

post-exploitation : 

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