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Assembly 언어 공부 - 23(문자열 암호화 예제 프로그램) 본문


Assembly 언어 공부 - 23(문자열 암호화 예제 프로그램)

Nova_ 2022. 8. 27. 12:28

안녕하세요. 이번 시간에는 문자열 암호화 예제 프로그램으로 XOR 문자열 암호화 프로그램을 어셈블리어로 작성해보도록 하겠습니다.


먼저 스터브 프로그램 작성을 해보도록 하겠습니다.

;this program is encryption or decryption

include 	c:\assembly\irvine32.inc
includelib  c:\assembly\irvine32.lib
includelib  c:\assembly\kernel32.lib
includelib  c:\assembly\user32.lib

Key = 231
BUFMAX = 128

sPrompt BYTE "Enter the plain text :", 0
sEncrypt BYTE "Cipher text :     ", 0
sDecrypt BYTE "Decrypted :     ", 0
buffer BYTE BUFMAX+1 DUP(0)
bufSize DWORD ?

main PROC

    call InputTheString
    call TranslateBuffer
    mov edx, OFFSET sEncrypt
    call DisplayMessage
    call TranslateBuffer
    mov edx, OFFSET sDecrypt
    call DisplayMessage
main ENDP

InputTheString PROC
; Prompt user for a plaintext string, Save the string length to eax
; Receive : nothing
; Return : bufsize = string length

InputTheString ENDP

TranslateBuffer PROC
; Translates the string by Exlusive-ORing each
; Byte with the encryption key byte.
; Receive : Nothing
; Return : nothing

TranslateBuffer ENDP

DisplayMessage PROC
; Display the encrypted or decrypted message.
; Receive : EDX pints to the message
; Returns : nothing

DisplayMessage ENDP

END main

그럼 실제로 구현해보도록 하겠습니다.

;this program prompts the user for three integers
;store them it an array, calculates the su of the array, and display the sum

include 	c:\assembly\irvine32.inc
includelib  c:\assembly\irvine32.lib
includelib  c:\assembly\kernel32.lib
includelib  c:\assembly\user32.lib

Key = 231
BUFMAX = 128

sPrompt BYTE "Enter the plain text :", 0
sEncrypt BYTE "Cipher text :     ", 0
sDecrypt BYTE "Decrypted :     ", 0
buffer BYTE BUFMAX+1 DUP(0)
bufSize DWORD ?

main PROC

    call InputTheString
    call TranslateBuffer
    mov edx, OFFSET sEncrypt
    call DisplayMessage
    call TranslateBuffer
    mov edx, OFFSET sDecrypt
    call DisplayMessage
main ENDP

InputTheString PROC
; Prompt user for a plaintext string, Save the string length to eax
; Receive : nothing
; Return : bufsize = string length
    mov edx, OFFSET sPrompt
    call WriteString
    mov ecx, BUFMAX
    mov edx, OFFSET buffer
    call ReadString
    mov bufsize, eax
    call Crlf

InputTheString ENDP

TranslateBuffer PROC
; Translates the string by Exlusive-ORing each
; Byte with the encryption key byte.
; Receive : Nothing
; Return : nothing
    mov ecx, bufSize
    mov esi, 0
L1: xor buffer[esi], KEY
    inc esi
    loop L1

TranslateBuffer ENDP

DisplayMessage PROC
; Display the encrypted or decrypted message.
; Receive : EDX pints to the message
; Returns : nothing
    call WriteString
    mov edx, OFFSET buffer
    call WriteString
    call Crlf
    call crlf
DisplayMessage ENDP

END main

실제로 실행시켜보면 아래 결과와 같습니다.


이상으로 문자열 암호화 예제 프로그램을 마치도록 하겠습니다.
